CCAA原为CentOS + Caddy + AriaNg + Aria2,故命名为CCAA,不过现在已经不仅仅支持CentOS,包括主流的Debian、Ubuntu也已经支持,自2.0(2020/02/28)版本开始已移除Caddy,改用Golang写了一个简单的WebServer来运行AriaNg。
#海外 bash <(curl -Lsk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helloxz/ccaa/master/ccaa.sh) #国内 bash <(curl -Lsk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helloxz/ccaa/master/ccaa.sh) cdn
CentOS 8支持
docker run --name="ccaa" -d -p 6080:6080 -p 6081:6081 -p 6800:6800 -p 51413:51413 \ -v /data/ccaaDown:/data/ccaaDown \ -e PASS="xiaoz.me" \ helloz/ccaa \ sh -c "dccaa pass && dccaa start"
ccaa status:查看CCAA运行状态
ccaa stop:停止CCAA
ccaa start:启动CCAA
ccaa restart:重启CCAA
ccaa -v:查看CCAA版本(2.0开始支持)
#!/bin/bash ##### 一键安装File Browser + Aria2 + AriaNg ##### ##### 作者:xiaoz.me ##### ##### 更新时间:2020-02-27 ##### #导入环境变量 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin export PATH #CDN域名设置 if [ $1 = 'cdn' ] then aria2_url='https://soft.xiaoz.top/linux/aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2' filebrowser_url='https://soft.xiaoz.top/linux/linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz' master_url='https://github.com/helloxz/ccaa/archive/master.zip' ccaa_web_url='https://soft.xiaoz.top/linux/ccaa_web.tar.gz' else aria2_url='https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/releases/download/v1.35.0/aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2' filebrowser_url='https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser/releases/download/v2.0.16/linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz' master_url='https://github.com/helloxz/ccaa/archive/master.zip' ccaa_web_url='https://soft.xiaoz.org/linux/ccaa_web.tar.gz' fi #安装前的检查 function check(){ echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' if [ -e "/etc/ccaa" ] then echo 'CCAA已经安装,若需要重新安装,请先卸载再安装!' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' exit else echo '检测通过,即将开始安装。' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' fi } #安装之前的准备 function setout(){ if [ -e "/usr/bin/yum" ] then yum -y install curl gcc make bzip2 gzip wget unzip tar else #更新软件,否则可能make命令无法安装 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y curl make bzip2 gzip wget unzip sudo fi #创建临时目录 cd mkdir ./ccaa_tmp #创建用户和用户组 groupadd ccaa useradd -M -g ccaa ccaa -s /sbin/nologin } #安装Aria2 function install_aria2(){ #进入临时目录 cd ./ccaa_tmp #yum -y update #安装aria2静态编译版本,来源于https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/ wget -c ${aria2_url} tar jxvf aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2 cd aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1 make install cd } #安装File Browser文件管理器 function install_file_browser(){ cd ./ccaa_tmp #下载File Browser wget ${filebrowser_url} #解压 tar -zxvf linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz #移动位置 mv filebrowser /usr/sbin cd } #处理配置文件 function dealconf(){ cd ./ccaa_tmp #下载CCAA项目 wget ${master_url} #解压 unzip master.zip #复制CCAA核心目录 mv ccaa-master/ccaa_dir /etc/ccaa #创建aria2日志文件 touch /var/log/aria2.log #upbt增加执行权限 chmod +x /etc/ccaa/upbt.sh chmod +x ccaa-master/ccaa cp ccaa-master/ccaa /usr/sbin cd } #自动放行端口 function chk_firewall(){ if [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" ] then iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6080 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6081 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6800 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6998 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 51413 -j ACCEPT service iptables save service iptables restart elif [ -e "/etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml" ] then firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6080/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6081/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6998/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=51413/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload elif [ -e "/etc/ufw/before.rules" ] then sudo ufw allow 6080/tcp sudo ufw allow 6081/tcp sudo ufw allow 6800/tcp sudo ufw allow 6998/tcp sudo ufw allow 51413/tcp fi } #删除端口 function del_post() { if [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" ] then sed -i '/^.*6080.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*6081.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*6800.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*6998.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*51413.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables service iptables save service iptables restart elif [ -e "/etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml" ] then firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6080/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6081/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6800/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6998/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=51413/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload elif [ -e "/etc/ufw/before.rules" ] then sudo ufw delete 6080/tcp sudo ufw delete 6081/tcp sudo ufw delete 6800/tcp sudo ufw delete 6998/tcp sudo ufw delete 51413/tcp fi } #添加服务 function add_service() { if [ -d "/etc/systemd/system" ] then cp /etc/ccaa/services/* /etc/systemd/system systemctl daemon-reload fi } #设置账号密码 function setting(){ cd cd ./ccaa_tmp echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' read -p "设置下载路径(请填写绝对地址,默认/data/ccaaDown):" downpath read -p "Aria2 RPC 密钥:(字母或数字组合,不要含有特殊字符):" secret #如果Aria2密钥为空 while [ -z "${secret}" ] do read -p "Aria2 RPC 密钥:(字母或数字组合,不要含有特殊字符):" secret done #如果下载路径为空,设置默认下载路径 if [ -z "${downpath}" ] then downpath='/data/ccaaDown' fi #获取ip osip=$(curl -4s https://api.ip.sb/ip) #执行替换操作 mkdir -p ${downpath} sed -i "s%dir=%dir=${downpath}%g" /etc/ccaa/aria2.conf sed -i "s/rpc-secret=/rpc-secret=${secret}/g" /etc/ccaa/aria2.conf #替换filebrowser读取路径 sed -i "s%ccaaDown%${downpath}%g" /etc/ccaa/config.json #替换AriaNg服务器链接 sed -i "s/server_ip/${osip}/g" /etc/ccaa/AriaNg/index.html #更新tracker bash /etc/ccaa/upbt.sh #安装AriaNg wget ${ccaa_web_url} tar -zxvf ccaa_web.tar.gz cp ccaa_web /usr/sbin/ chmod +x /usr/sbin/ccaa_web #启动服务 nohup sudo -u ccaa aria2c --conf-path=/etc/ccaa/aria2.conf > /var/log/aria2.log 2>&1 & #nohup caddy -conf="/etc/ccaa/caddy.conf" > /etc/ccaa/caddy.log 2>&1 & nohup sudo -u ccaa /usr/sbin/ccaa_web > /var/log/ccaa_web.log 2>&1 & #运行filebrowser nohup sudo -u ccaa filebrowser -c /etc/ccaa/config.json > /var/log/fbrun.log 2>&1 & #重置权限 chown -R ccaa:ccaa /etc/ccaa/ chown -R ccaa:ccaa ${downpath} #注册服务 add_service echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' echo "大功告成,请访问: https://${osip}:6080/" echo 'File Browser 用户名:ccaa' echo 'File Browser 密码:admin' echo 'Aria2 RPC 密钥:' ${secret} echo '帮助文档: https://dwz.ovh/ccaa (必看)' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' } #清理工作 function cleanup(){ cd rm -rf ccaa_tmp #rm -rf *.conf #rm -rf init } #卸载 function uninstall(){ wget -O ccaa-uninstall.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helloxz/ccaa/master/uninstall.sh bash ccaa-uninstall.sh } #选择安装方式 echo "------------------------------------------------" echo "Linux + File Browser + Aria2 + AriaNg一键安装脚本(CCAA)" echo "1) 安装CCAA" echo "2) 卸载CCAA" echo "3) 更新bt-tracker" echo "q) 退出!" read -p ":" istype case $istype in 1) check setout chk_firewall install_aria2 && \ install_file_browser && \ dealconf && \ setting && \ cleanup ;; 2) uninstall ;; 3) bash /etc/ccaa/upbt.sh ;; q) exit ;; *) echo '参数错误!' esac
#!/bin/sh ##### 一键安装File Browser + Aria2 + AriaNg ##### ##### 作者:xiaoz.me ##### ##### 更新时间:2020-02-27 ##### #导入环境变量 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin export PATH #各种路径设置 aria2_url='https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/releases/download/v1.35.0/aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2' filebrowser_url='https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser/releases/download/v2.0.16/linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz' master_url='https://github.com/helloxz/ccaa/archive/master.zip' ccaa_web_url='https://soft.xiaoz.org/linux/ccaa_web' #安装前的检查 function check(){ echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' if [ -e "/etc/ccaa" ] then echo 'CCAA已经安装,若需要重新安装,请先卸载再安装!' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' exit else echo '检测通过,即将开始安装。' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' fi } #安装之前的准备 function setout(){ #安装需要的软件 apk add curl wget zip tar make bzip2 unzip #创建临时目录 cd mkdir ./ccaa_tmp #创建用户和用户组 } #安装Aria2 function install_aria2(){ #进入临时目录 cd ./ccaa_tmp #yum -y update #安装aria2静态编译版本,来源于https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/ wget -c ${aria2_url} tar jxvf aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2 cd aria2-1.35.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1 make install cd } #安装File Browser文件管理器 function install_file_browser(){ cd ./ccaa_tmp #下载File Browser wget ${filebrowser_url} #解压 tar -zxvf linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz #移动位置 mv filebrowser /usr/sbin cd } #处理配置文件 function dealconf(){ cd ./ccaa_tmp #下载CCAA项目 wget ${master_url} #解压 unzip master.zip #复制CCAA核心目录 mv ccaa-master/ccaa_dir /etc/ccaa #创建aria2日志文件 touch /var/log/aria2.log #upbt增加执行权限 chmod +x /etc/ccaa/upbt.sh chmod +x ccaa-master/ccaa cp ccaa-master/dccaa /usr/sbin chmod +x /usr/sbin/dccaa cd } #设置账号密码 function setting(){ cd cd ./ccaa_tmp echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' #获取ip osip=$(curl -4s https://api.ip.sb/ip) #执行替换操作 downpath='/data/ccaaDown' mkdir -p ${downpath} sed -i "s%dir=%dir=${downpath}%g" /etc/ccaa/aria2.conf sed -ir "s/rpc-secret=.*/rpc-secret=$PASS/g" /etc/ccaa/aria2.conf #替换filebrowser读取路径 sed -i "s%ccaaDown%${downpath}%g" /etc/ccaa/config.json #替换AriaNg服务器链接 #sed -i "s/server_ip/${osip}/g" /etc/ccaa/AriaNg/index.html rm -rf /etc/ccaa/AriaNg/index.html mv /etc/ccaa/AriaNg/dindex.html /etc/ccaa/AriaNg/index.html #更新tracker sh /etc/ccaa/upbt.sh #安装AriaNg wget ${ccaa_web_url} #tar -zxvf ccaa_web.tar.gz cp ccaa_web /usr/sbin/ chmod +x /usr/sbin/ccaa_web #启动服务 #nohup aria2c --conf-path=/etc/ccaa/aria2.conf > /var/log/aria2.log 2>&1 & #nohup caddy -conf="/etc/ccaa/caddy.conf" > /etc/ccaa/caddy.log 2>&1 & #nohup /usr/sbin/ccaa_web > /var/log/ccaa_web.log 2>&1 & #运行filebrowser #nohup filebrowser -c /etc/ccaa/config.json > /var/log/fbrun.log 2>&1 & echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' echo "大功告成,请访问: https://${osip}:6080/" echo 'File Browser 用户名:ccaa' echo 'File Browser 密码:admin' echo 'Aria2 RPC 密钥:' $PASS echo '帮助文档: https://dwz.ovh/ccaa (必看)' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' } #清理工作 function cleanup(){ cd rm -rf ccaa_tmp #rm -rf *.conf #rm -rf init } #卸载 function uninstall(){ wget -O ccaa-uninstall.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helloxz/ccaa/master/uninstall.sh sh ccaa-uninstall.sh } #选择安装方式 echo "------------------------------------------------" echo "Linux + File Browser + Aria2 + AriaNg一键安装脚本(CCAA)" echo "1) 安装CCAA" echo "2) 卸载CCAA" echo "3) 更新bt-tracker" echo "q) 退出!" #read -p ":" istype case $1 in 'install') check setout install_aria2 && \ install_file_browser && \ dealconf && \ setting && \ cleanup ;; 'uninstall') uninstall ;; 'upbt') sh /etc/ccaa/upbt.sh ;; 'q') exit ;; *) echo '参数错误!' esac
#!/bin/bash ##### 一键卸载CCAA ##### ##### 作者:xiaoz.me ##### ##### 更新时间:2020-02-28 ##### #导入环境变量 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin export PATH #删除端口函数 function del_post() { if [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" ] then sed -i '/^.*6080.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*6081.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*6800.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*6998.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables sed -i '/^.*51413.*/'d /etc/sysconfig/iptables service iptables save service iptables restart elif [ -e "/etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml" ] then firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6080/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6081/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6800/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=6998/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=51413/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload elif [ -e "/etc/ufw/before.rules" ] then sudo ufw delete 6080/tcp sudo ufw delete 6081/tcp sudo ufw delete 6800/tcp sudo ufw delete 6998/tcp sudo ufw delete 51413/tcp fi } #停止所有服务 kill -9 $(pgrep 'aria2c') kill -9 $(pgrep 'ccaa_web') kill -9 $(pgrep 'filebrowser') kill -9 $(pgrep 'caddy') systemctl disable aria2 systemctl disable ccaa_web systemctl disable filebrowser #删除文件 rm -rf /etc/ccaa rm -rf /usr/sbin/ccaa_web rm -rf /usr/sbin/ccaa rm -rf /usr/sbin/ccaa rm -rf /usr/bin/aria2c rm -rf aria2-1.* rm -rf AriaNg* rm -rf /usr/share/man/man1/aria2c.1 rm -rf /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/aria2.service rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/ccaa_web.service rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/filebrowser.service #删除filebrowser rm -rf /usr/sbin/filebrowser #删除日志 rm -rf /var/log/aria2.log rm -rf /var/log/ccaa_web.log rm -rf /var/log/fbrun.log rm -rf /var/log/filebrowser.log #删除用户和用户组 userdel ccaa groupdel ccaa #删除端口 del_post echo "------------------------------------------------" echo '卸载完成!' echo "------------------------------------------------" #删除自身 rm -rf ccaa-uninstall.sh
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