Install lighttpd
tar zxvf lighttpd-1.4.54.tar.gz
cd lighttpd-1.4.54
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lighttpd
make && make install
mkdir /usr/local/lighttpd/htdocs
mkdir /usr/local/lighttpd/etc
cp ./doc/lighttpd.conf /usr/local/lighttpd/etc/
tar zxvf lighttpd-1.4.54.tar.gz
cd lighttpd-1.4.54
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lighttpd
make && make install
mkdir /usr/local/lighttpd/htdocs
mkdir /usr/local/lighttpd/etc
cp ./doc/lighttpd.conf /usr/local/lighttpd/etc/
wget tar zxvf lighttpd-1.4.54.tar.gz cd lighttpd-1.4.54 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lighttpd make && make install mkdir /usr/local/lighttpd/htdocs mkdir /usr/local/lighttpd/etc cp ./doc/lighttpd.conf /usr/local/lighttpd/etc/ exit
Configuration lighttpd
vi /usr/local/lighttpd/etc/lighttpd.conf
vi /usr/local/lighttpd/etc/lighttpd.conf
vi /usr/local/lighttpd/etc/lighttpd.conf
:author: Jan Kneschke
:Date: $Date: $
:Revision: $Revision: $
Get the source from
unpack it by ::
$ gzip -cd lighttpd-1.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf -
compile and install it with ::
$ cd lighttpd-1.x.x
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -
# make install
# exit
take look at the configfile in ./doc/lighttpd.conf,
make your own copy of that file and modify it for your needs.
static build using SCons
$ scons -j 4 build_static=1 build_dynamic=0 prefix=/custom/inst/path install
build_dynamic is enabled by default in SConstruct and needs to be disabled for
the static build. See also the BoolVariable() settings in SConstruct for other
configurable variables that might be set in a customized build. build_static=1
can be replaced with build_fullstatic=1 to perform lighttpd static build with
modules *and* to link statically against external dependencies.
static build using make
* edit src/ and, in the section under 'if LIGHTTPD_STATIC',
update lighttpd_SOURCES with each module to be included in the static build
* create src/plugin-static.h with list of modules as PLUGIN_INIT(mod_foo)
for each module 'mod_foo' to be included in the static build
$ LIGHTTPD_STATIC=yes ./configure -C --enable-static=yes
$ make
$ sudo make install
build using CMake and Xcode on Mac OS X with MacPorts
* upgrade to latest Mac OS X
* install Xcode from Apple Store (requires latest Mac OS X)
* install MacPorts from
$ xcodebuild --license
$ xcode-select --install
$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port install autoconf automake cmake libtool m4 pcre pkgconfig zlib bzip2 openssl libxml sqlite3 openldap fcgi p5-cgi libunwind libunwind-headers mysql57 libev gdbm openldap ossp-uuid
# Note: some of the above require more fiddling to configure with CMake...
# cmake and build
# (all -DWITH_... flags below are optional)
$ make -j 4
$ make test
# Note: many tests fail if not built with openssl
# lighttpd will not start up with tests/lighttpd.conf
# (mod_secdownload fails to configure hmac-sha1 and hmac-sha256)
:author: Jan Kneschke
:Date: $Date: $
:Revision: $Revision: $
Get the source from
unpack it by ::
$ gzip -cd lighttpd-1.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf -
compile and install it with ::
$ cd lighttpd-1.x.x
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -
# make install
# exit
take look at the configfile in ./doc/lighttpd.conf,
make your own copy of that file and modify it for your needs.
static build using SCons
$ scons -j 4 build_static=1 build_dynamic=0 prefix=/custom/inst/path install
build_dynamic is enabled by default in SConstruct and needs to be disabled for
the static build. See also the BoolVariable() settings in SConstruct for other
configurable variables that might be set in a customized build. build_static=1
can be replaced with build_fullstatic=1 to perform lighttpd static build with
modules *and* to link statically against external dependencies.
static build using make
* edit src/ and, in the section under 'if LIGHTTPD_STATIC',
update lighttpd_SOURCES with each module to be included in the static build
* create src/plugin-static.h with list of modules as PLUGIN_INIT(mod_foo)
for each module 'mod_foo' to be included in the static build
$ LIGHTTPD_STATIC=yes ./configure -C --enable-static=yes
$ make
$ sudo make install
build using CMake and Xcode on Mac OS X with MacPorts
* upgrade to latest Mac OS X
* install Xcode from Apple Store (requires latest Mac OS X)
* install MacPorts from
$ xcodebuild --license
$ xcode-select --install
$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port install autoconf automake cmake libtool m4 pcre pkgconfig zlib bzip2 openssl libxml sqlite3 openldap fcgi p5-cgi libunwind libunwind-headers mysql57 libev gdbm openldap ossp-uuid
# Note: some of the above require more fiddling to configure with CMake...
# cmake and build
# (all -DWITH_... flags below are optional)
$ make -j 4
$ make test
# Note: many tests fail if not built with openssl
# lighttpd will not start up with tests/lighttpd.conf
# (mod_secdownload fails to configure hmac-sha1 and hmac-sha256)
============ Installation ============ :author: Jan Kneschke :Date: $Date: $ :Revision: $Revision: $ Installation ------------ Get the source from unpack it by :: $ gzip -cd lighttpd-1.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf - compile and install it with :: $ cd lighttpd-1.x.x $ ./configure $ make $ su - # make install # exit take look at the configfile in ./doc/lighttpd.conf, make your own copy of that file and modify it for your needs. static build using SCons ------------------------ $ scons -j 4 build_static=1 build_dynamic=0 prefix=/custom/inst/path install build_dynamic is enabled by default in SConstruct and needs to be disabled for the static build. See also the BoolVariable() settings in SConstruct for other configurable variables that might be set in a customized build. build_static=1 can be replaced with build_fullstatic=1 to perform lighttpd static build with modules *and* to link statically against external dependencies. static build using make ----------------------- * edit src/ and, in the section under 'if LIGHTTPD_STATIC', update lighttpd_SOURCES with each module to be included in the static build * create src/plugin-static.h with list of modules as PLUGIN_INIT(mod_foo) for each module 'mod_foo' to be included in the static build $ LIGHTTPD_STATIC=yes ./configure -C --enable-static=yes $ make $ sudo make install build using CMake and Xcode on Mac OS X with MacPorts ----------------------------------------------------- * upgrade to latest Mac OS X * install Xcode from Apple Store (requires latest Mac OS X) * install MacPorts from $ xcodebuild --license $ xcode-select --install $ sudo port selfupdate $ sudo port install autoconf automake cmake libtool m4 pcre pkgconfig zlib bzip2 openssl libxml sqlite3 openldap fcgi p5-cgi libunwind libunwind-headers mysql57 libev gdbm openldap ossp-uuid # Note: some of the above require more fiddling to configure with CMake... # cmake and build # (all -DWITH_... flags below are optional) $ cmake -Wno-dev -DWITH_OPENSSL=1 -DWITH_LUA=1 -DWITH_ZLIB=1 -DWITH_BZIP2=1 -DWITH_WEBDAV_PROPS=1 . $ make -j 4 $ make test # Note: many tests fail if not built with openssl # lighttpd will not start up with tests/lighttpd.conf # (mod_secdownload fails to configure hmac-sha1 and hmac-sha256)
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